11:50-12:00 | Welcome to the Venous Symposium Course Directors |
12:00-12:40 | Session 1: Warm up Quick Shot Clinical Cases Moderators: Suat Doganci (Türkiye), Andreas Lazaris (Greece), Eberhard Rabe (Germany) |
12:00-12:05 | Recurrent varicose veins Stratos Georgakarakos (Greece) |
12:05-12:10 | Injecting the Pelvic Escape Points Aleksandra Jaworucka Kaczorowska (Poland) |
12:10-12:15 | Chronic Pelvic pain Ahmed Gaweesh (Egypt) |
12:15-12:20 | Left renal vein compression with ovarian vein reflux Alejandro Morata (Spain) |
12:20-12:25 | Venous malformation Laura Redman (South Africa) |
12 :25-12:40 | Discussion |
12:40-13:10 | Session 2: Live Patient Imaging and Decision Making Moderators: Nicos Labropoulos (USA), Antonios Gasparis (USA), Efthymios Avgerinos (Greece), Houman Jalaie (Germany) |
13:10-14:15 | Session 3: Superficial Venous Disease Moderators: Wassila Taha (Egypt), Felizitas Pannier (Germany), Spyros Vasdekis (Greece) |
13:10-13:17 | Patterns of venous reflux and treatment planning Eberhard Rabe (Germany) |
13:17-13:24 | Truncal ablation and large varices: Concomitant or staged phlebectomies? Felizitas Pannier (Germany) |
13:24-13:31 | Multiple saphenous veins refluxing - which should I treat first? Ignacio Escotto (Mexico) |
13:31-13:42 | Discussion |
13:42-13:50 | Industry Lecture |
13:50-14:15 | Industry Session |
14:15-15:00 | e-Poster Viewing / Refreshment |
14.35-14.55 | Meet the Experts (20 min) |
15:00-15:50 | Session 4: Current concepts on lymphedema and lipedema Moderators: Giovanni Mosti (Italy), Laura Redman (South Africa), Evangelos Dimakakos (Greece) |
15:00-15:07 | Evaluation of the patient with leg swelling Rodrigo Kikuchi (Brazil) |
15:07-15:14 |
Conservative management of lymphedema Giovanni Mosti (Italy) |
15:14-15:21 | Holistic treatment of lipedema: Compression, Diet, Psychology, Surgery Laura Redman (South Africa) |
15:21-15:28 | Water rehabillation for the edema patient Dimitrios Kontothanassis (Italy) |
15:28-15:33 | Case presentation - Phlebolymphedema Marcial Fallas (Costa Rica) |
15:33-15:38 | Case presentation - Lipedema Suat Doganci (Türkiye) |
15.38-15.50 | Discussion |
15:50-16:40 | Session 5: VTE Management Moderators: Christos Liapis (Greece), Ahmed Gaweesh (Egypt), Nikolaos Ptohis (Greece) |
15:50-15:57 | Current thoughts on VTE after ablation Rebeca Reachi Lugo (Mexico) |
15:57-16:04 |
When to ask for thrombophilia screening? Alun Davies (UK) |
16:04-16:11 | Being practical in the management of superficial vein thrombosis Domenico Baccellieri (Italy) |
16:11-16:18 | Anticoagulation duration in patients with DVT - do we have a consensus? Athanasios Giannoukas (Greece) |
16:18-16:25 | Video Case presentation - Post thrombotic Syndrome Marzia Lugli (Italy) |
16:25-16:30 | Video case presentation - Acute DVT Intervention Marie Jose van Rijn (The Netherlands) |
16:30-16:40 | Discussion |
16:40-17:40 | Session 6: Novel Technologies and Trial Updates Moderators: Alun Davies (UK), Marzia Lugli (Italy), Ioannis Kakisis (Greece) |
16:40-16:45 | High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) Steve Elias (USA) |
16:45-16:50 |
PE trial update Kush Desai (USA) |
16:50-16:55 | Thermal vs non-thermal: Results of a randomized trial Manj Gohel (UK) |
16:55-17:00 | Stenting for symptomatic left renal vein obstruction Alejandro Morata (Spain) |
17:00-17:08 | Discussion |
17:08-17:16 | Industry Lecture |
17:16-17:24 | Industry Lecture |
17:24-17:32 | Industry Lecture |
17:32-17:10 | Industry Lecture |
17:45-18:05 | Meet the Experts (20’) |
18:10-19.30 | e-Poster Viewing / Welcome Reception |
20.30 | Faculty Dinner |
08:00-08:50 |
Session 7: Superficial vein disease - Learning from clinical cases Moderators: Dimitrios Kontothanassis (Italy), Enric Roche (Barcelona), Antonis Papageorgiou (Greece) |
08:00-08:05 | Large diameter saphenous vein Eberhard Rabe (Germany) |
08:05-08:10 | Combined GSV and SSV reflux Armando Mansilha (Portugal) |
08:10-08:15 |
Lateral Marginal Vein in KTS Suat Doganci (Türkiye) |
08:15-08:20 | Extensive reflux from pelvis to the leg Ignacio Escotto (Mexico) |
08:20-08:25 | Trunkal reflux very close to the skin Aleksandra Jaworucka Kaczorowska (Poland) |
08:25-08:30 | Skin pigmentation after vein treatment Dimitrios Athanasiadis (Greece) |
08:30-08:35 | Small veins Enric Roche (Barcelona) |
08:35-08:50 | Discussion |
08:00-10:00 | Oral Presentations |
08:50-10:10 | Session 8: Strategies for thrombus removal Moderators: Rabih Chaer (USA), Houman Jalaie (Germany), Athanasios Giannoukas (Greece) |
08:50-08:57 |
Options for lytic thrombectomy Mert Dumantepe (Türkiye) |
08:57-09:04 | Options for mechanical thrombectomy Michael Lichtenberg (Germany) |
09:04-09:11 |
Evaluation of patient with early re-thrombosis Omid Schafe (Iran) |
09:11-09:18 |
Management of acute iliac stent thrombosis Steven Black (UK) |
09:18-09:25 |
Anticoagulation management after iliac vein stenting Marcial Fallas (Costa Rica) |
09:25-09:40 | Discussion |
Venous Controversies on Acute Iliofemoral DVT Management - Debate | |
09:40-09:43 | Voting |
09:43-09:50 | Catheter intervention is beneficial for the majority of symptomatic good risk patients with IF DVT: Against Alun Davies (UK) |
09:50-09:57 | Catheter intervention is beneficial for the majority of symptomatic good risk patients with IF DVT: For Efthymios Avgerinos (Greece) |
09:57-10:00 | Voting |
10:00-10:10 | Special Lecture: A journey on the iliofemoral thrombosis interventions and where do we go from here Niels Baekgaard (Denmark) |
10:10-10:55 | Session 9: Live Patient Imaging and Decision Making Moderators: Nicos Labropoulos (USA), Antonios Gasparis (USA), Steve Elias (USA), Houman Jalaie (Germany) |
10:55-11:35 | e-Poster Viewing / Refreshment |
11:10-11:30 | Meet the Experts (20 min) |
11:35-12:45 | Session 10: VS Compression Club Moderators: Giovanni Mosti (Italy), Rebeca Reachi Lugo (Mexico), Evangelos Dimakakos (Greece) |
11:35-11:42 | Treatment of persistent edema after interventions Antonios Gasparis (USA) |
11:42-11:49 | Examples of compression through clinical cases Laura Redman (South Africa) |
11:49-11:56 | How to avoid problems and complications with compression Rodrigo Kikuchi (Brazil) |
11:56-12:45 | Industry Session |
12:45-13:45 | Industry Symposium |
13:45-14:35 | e-Poster Viewing / Lunch Session |
14:35-15:45 | Session 11: Pelvic vein disorders Moderators: Steve Elias (USA), Antonios Gasparis (USA), Yaser Jenab (Iran) |
14:35-14:55 |
Diagnosis and challenges Nicos Labropoulos (USA) |
14:55-15:05 |
Ovarian and pelvic vein reflux Embolization Principles Marta Ortega (Spain) |
15:05-15:15 |
Management of symptomatic renal vein obstruction Domenico Baccellieri (Italy) |
15:15-15:25 | Discussion |
Venous Controversies in Pelvic Disease - Debate | |
15:25-15:28 | Voting |
15:28-15:35 | Leg varicosities from pelvic source - Treat the Leg Ignacio Escotto (Mexico) |
15:35-15:42 | Leg varicosities from pelvic source - Treat the Pelvis Almamoon Justaniah (Saudi Arabia) |
15:42-15:45 | Voting |
15:45-16:10 | Session 12: VS Keynote Lecture Moderators: Nicos Labropoulos (USA), Niels Baekgaard (Denmark) |
15:45-15:50 |
Keynote Speaker Introduction Nicos Labropoulos (USA), Niels Baekgaard (Denmark) |
15:50-16:10 |
Keynote Lecture: Highlights and controversial issues in the 2024 International Guidelines on Venous Thromboembolism Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus) |
16:10-17:10 |
Session 13: VS Venous mix Moderators: Manj Gohel (UK), Almamoon Justaniah (Saudi Arabia), Mert Dumantepe (Türkiye) |
16:10-16:17 | Nonhealing venous ulcer - combined superficial and deep pathology Misaki Kiguchi (USA) |
16:17-16:24 |
IVC hypoplasia Steven Abramowitz (USA) |
16:24-16:31 | Treatment of venous aneurysms Marie Jose van Rijn (South Africa) |
16:31-16:38 | Complex venous malformation Almamoon Justaniah (Saudi Arabia) |
16:38-16:45 | Management of thoracic inlet syndrome Mohammad Barbati (Germany) |
16:45-16:52 | Long term data of pharmacomechanical thrombectomy of patient with iliofemeral thrombosis Olivier Hartung (France) |
16:52-17:00 | Industry Lecture |
17:00-17:10 | Discussion |
08:00-08:55 | Session 14: Phleboaesthetics Moderators: Felizitas Pannier (Germany), Eberhard Rabe (Germany), Efstratios Georgakarakos (Greece) |
08:00-08:07 | Subcutaneous vein anatomy, reflux patterns in relation to treatment Nicos Labropoulos (USA) |
08:07-08:14 | How do you treat this? Rapid fire images Rodrigo Kikuchi (Brazil) |
08:14-08:21 | How to use tumescent and flushing techniques Ignacio Escotto (Mexico) |
08:21-08:28 | Practical use of thermal technology and what is satisfactory Suat Doganci (Türkiye) |
08:28-08:35 | Use of venoactive drugs in clinical practice Armando Mansilha (Portugal) |
08:35-08:55 | Discussion |
08:55-09:10 |
Session 15: Best Poster Presentation Moderators: George Geroulakos (Greece), Alun Davies (UK), Nicos Labropoulos (USA) |
08:55-09:00 | Poster 1: |
09:00-09:05 | Poster 2: |
09:05-09:10 | Voting and Winner Presentation |
09:10-09:25 | Session 16: Best IVUS Presentation Moderators: George Geroulakos (Greece), Alun Davies (UK), Nicos Labropoulos (USA) |
09:10-09:15 | Case 1: |
09:15-09:20 | Case 2: |
09:20-09:25 | Voting and Winner Presentation |
09:25-10:10 | Session 17: Quick Shots on Superficial Reflux Moderators: Antonios Gasparis (USA), Athanasios Giannoukas (Greece), Kursat Bozkurt (Türkiye) |
09:25-09:30 | Anatomy and Reflux patterns of the SSV Nicos Labropoulos (USA) |
09:30-09:35 |
Treatment options for the AASV Antonios Gasparis (USA) |
09:35-09:40 | Tips in using glue for treatment of the saphenous vein Kursat Bozkurt (Türkiye) |
09:40-09:45 | Segmental vein trunk reflux associated with varicose veins Majid Moini (Iran) |
09:45-09:50 | Retreatment of a recanalized saphenous vein Marcial Fallas (Costa Rica) |
09:50-09:55 | Video Case presentation Dimitris Kontothanassis (Italy) |
09:55-10:10 | Discussion |
10:10-10:50 | e-Poster Viewing / Refreshment |
10:25-10:45 | Meet the Experts (20 min) |
10:50-11:55 | Session 18: Management of Venous Ulcers Moderators: Stephen Black (UK), Steve Elias (USA), George Geroulakos (Greece) |
10:50-10:57 | When to debride, culture and biopsy? Ahmed Gaweesh (Egypt) |
10:57-11:04 |
Principles of compression for venous ulcers Giovanni Mosti (Italy) |
11:04-11:11 | Treating the ulcer bed Wassila Taha (Egypt) |
11:11-11:18 | Iliac vein obstruction TBA |
11:18-11:25 | Options for femoral-popliteal vein disease Steve Elias (USA) |
11:25-11:35 | Discussion |
Venous Controversies on Venous Ulcer Management - Debate | |
11:35-11:38 | Voting |
11:38-11:45 |
Combined superficial and deep venous disease in venous ulceration: Treat the Superficial First Manj Gohel (UK) |
11:45-11:52 | Combined superficial and deep venous disease in venous ulceration: Treat the Deep First Houman Jalaie (Germany) |
11:52-11:55 | Voting |
11:55-12:25 | Session 19: Live Patient Imaging and Decision Making Moderators: Nicos Labropoulos (USA), Antonios Gasparis (USA), Efthymios Avgerinos (Greece) |
12:25-13:20 | Session 20: VS Video Session - How I Do It Moderators: Armando Mansilha (Portugal), Ahmed Gaweesh (Egypt), Christos Klonaris (Greece) |
12:25-12:30 | Challenging IVC filter removal Kush Desai (USA) |
12:30-12:35 | Pathologic perforator vein treatment Misaki Kiguchi (USA) |
12:35-12:40 | Sclerotherapy for all veins Enric Roche (Barcelona) |
12:40-12:45 | Klippel-Trenaunay management Ahmed Gaweesh (Egypt) |
12:46-12:56 | Discussion |
12:56-13:04 | Industry Lecture |
13:04-13:12 | Industry Lecture |
13:12-13:20 | Industry Lecture |
13:20-14:20 | Industry Symposium |
14:20-15:10 | e-Poster Viewing / Lunch Sessions |
15:10-16:15 | Session 21: Management of chronic venous obstruction Moderators: Efthymios Avgerinos (Greece), Michael Lichtenberg (Germany), Houman Jalaie (Germany) |
15:10-15:17 | Current Concepts on NIVLs: Who to treat and how? Shuvro Roy Choudhary (India) |
15:17-15:24 |
Gaps and unknowns of venous stenting Rabih Chaer (USA) |
15:24-15:31 | How to avoid stent migration complications Stephen Black (UK) |
15:31-15:38 | Bilateral iliac vein obstruction with IVC involvement Kush Desai (USA) |
15:38-15:45 | Appropriate stent sizing and placement Marzia Lugli (Italy) |
15:45-15:59 | Discussion |
15:59-16:07 | Industry Lecture |
16:07-16:15 | Industry Video Presentation |
16:15-16:55 |
Session 22: VS Journal Club - From the Press to Your Clinical Practice Moderators: Alun Davies (UK), Kush Desai (USA), Steve Elias (USA) |
16:15-16:20 | Lymphatic disease Laura Redman (South Africa) |
16:20-16:25 |
Superficial vein disease Armando Mansilha (Portugal) |
16:25-16:30 | Deep vein disease TBA |
16:30-16:35 | Venous thromboembolism Mohammad Barbati (Germany) |
16:35-16:40 | Pulmonary embolism Rabih Chaer (USA) |
16:40-16:55 | Discussion |
16:55-17:35 |
Session 23: Dealing with things that went wrong Moderators: Majid Moini (Iran), Domenico Baccellieri (Italy), Marta Ortega (Spain) |
16:55-17:00 |
Immediate stent occlusion Michael Lichtenberg (Germany) |
17:00-17:05 |
Saphenous recanalization Dimitrios Papastavrou (Greece) |
17:05-17:10 |
Ulcer recurrence Manj Gohel (UK) |
17:10-17:15 |
Nightmare after iliac vein stenting Yasser Jenab (Iran) |
17:15-17:20 |
Skin matting after sclerotherapy Felizitas Pannier (Germany) |
17:20-17:35 | Discussion |
17:35-17:40 |
Closing Remarks Awards Next year’s Symposium Presentation Course Directors |
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Mark your calendars for October 17th, 2024
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